Friday, July 16, 2010

Why any Attempt to Cut Obesity by the Federal Government is Unconstitutional…

Michelle Obama, unelected wife of Barack Obama is on a kick to reduce obesity in America, specifically our kids, and more specifically by unconstitutional mandates. Why is this attempt unconstitutional? Like most things the federal government does or is doing, it is not part of the defined powers in the constitution. The reason the founders defined, specifically the things the federal government can do was to insure they would not do things like decide your menu at home, in school or any place else where we eat. The constitution is designed to LIMIT the federal government to specific enumerated powers. The rest is left to individuals and the state. It is about protecting freedom from tyranny.

Michelle Obama is free to use the “bully pulpit” as the wife of the president to encourage people to eat healthy, but that’s where her or any federal bureaucrat’s power is supposed to end.

Within the unconstitutional healthcare bill there is a provision, that “every American’s electronic health record must: Calculate body mass index. Automatically calculate and display body mass index based on a person’s height and weight.”

I say no. As an individual citizen protected by the U.S. Constitution, I will not allow my body mass index to be recorded for the federal government to analyze. Why, first it invades my privacy and second I know what they are going to do with that information, they are going to control people’s lives. How you say? When the data is crunched and the BMI is calculated the results will be used to determine what foods the federal government will ban from consumption. They will say we are too fat and we must end the production of Twinkies in this country. Laugh but it’s not funny. I like Twinkies and ho ho’s, and Hershey bars, and Reese’s Pieces, and chocolate cake and freedom, and if I want to get fat, that is my right.

Again you say, by being fat you will cost the federal government more in healthcare. No I will not because I pay for my own healthcare. Again you say, eventually the federal government will be the only insurer for healthcare and I say I would rather die. This is why healthcare is unconstitutional. It goes beyond any enumerated power, and no matter how you or I feel about obesity and the efforts to curb it, you can’t use the federal government beyond its constitutional powers, otherwise you infringe on my freedoms. In order to protect freedom we MUST hold the federal government in check no matter what the issue of the day is. Do you see what has happened?

It is so obvious when you start to follow the logic of these tyrants dressed up as do gooders. They know better than you on what you should eat, drive, study, career, retire, do you see now?

We are being boiled one unconstitutional bill after another. Slowly these bills create a web of chains on our freedom, and one day we wake up to a knock on the door, “Mr. Hand, we see you didn’t fill out your BMI and we must take you down to the government controlled hospital to weigh and measure you. As soon as we finish that we will taking you to the prison cell to serve the sentence of two years for failing to conform to health regulation UPTHECREEK 101.”

The constitution must be adhered to and every Governor of every state must nullify every federal law that is passed that does not meet constitutional muster… Next we will discuss nullification…


Concerned Citizen said...

The future you paint might sound like you believe in conspiracies but there is no doubt you are right on track with this control freaks. They want to control anyone and everyone who doesn't think the way they do...who doesn't act the way they do...who doesn't agree with them...etc, etc, etc...

Concerned Citizen said...

correction...these control freaks...

Rich said...

Concerned Citizen: These scenarios used to be conspiracy theories but the "plot" is playing out right in front of our eyes.

It is more of the natural progression of human nature when power of government is not put in check as intended by the constitution.

The government is too big, inefficient and filled with self interested people to coordinate a true conspiracy. I do not believe it is a conspiracy but rather a long time vision and goal for people that desire power and hate our form of government and the wealth it provides.

Listen to their rhetoric and put the literal meaning behind their words and it is scary.

Obama: "I am going to transform America". Think about it. We don't need to be transformed, we need to return to our founding principles.

Thanks for stopping by and commenting!