Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Hand’s On Politics Interviews Professor Walter E Williams

I had the pleasure and honor to interview Professor Walter E Williams on our Blog Talk Radio show yesterday and he shared his experience and knowledge about economics, the Constitution, and his thoughts on our current economic malaise. He was brilliant as always.

If you don’t know who Professor Williams is you can go here and find the wealth of knowledge he has bestowed upon this earth. Not just knowledge but a common sense delivery of complex economic, constitutional, and racial issues that he relates to every day examples of the simple lives we lead.

I have had the opportunity in my life to meet a lot of well-known celebrities and politicians, and all too often their on air personalities don’t match their interactions beyond the “stage.” It was so refreshing to meet Professor Williams and find a genuine man that matched my expectations. With the list of credentials he has amassed he could have acted differently. Every interaction from the moment he accepted our invitation to be on the show right through the interview he followed through on every commitment as if we had as many listeners as Rush! That is a virtue I admire in people because all too often we are disappointed by the people we follow.

I hope Rush Limbaugh has Professor Williams as his guest host soon because his perspective on the economy and this election are needed to get people motivated to make a good decision in 2012! It isn’t that Rush doesn’t motivate conservatives but Professor Williams connects in a different way. You feel like you have been treated to an academic lecture that arms you with the “ammunition” you need to support constitutional arguments. I encourage you to listen to his “living constitution” analogy to help you communicate to potential voters why the constitution is so important to the lives we lead as Americans!

My parents are huge fans of the Professor and they found it hard to believe their sons from the Bronx were interviewing such a distinguished member of our society; they almost couldn’t believe it! If they were to have had the opportunity to talk to the Professor they would have realized that part of the Professor’s allure is his humility and genuine character when dealing with “just a couple of brothers from the Bronx”. The Professor obviously did not get to where he is today by running others down, he has become such a dignitary because of the respect he shares when interacting with others. My brother Ken and I had the opportunity to share a moment with a wonderful man. It just so happens he is one of the most respected professors, economists, writers, and talk show hosts in the country. Thank you Professor.

You can listen to Professor Williams entire 30 minute interview here. It is well worth the listen!  

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