Thursday, October 4, 2012

Obama is Stuck

I knew Mitt was going to be good last night but I didn’t know how good! He was passionate, concise, and sincere making a great first impression without a biased media filter. Sixty million people were able to see a man and determine for themselves if he is an acceptable alternative to the current president.

What we saw on display was one man that knew his core values, principles, and vision in contrast to a man that has to defend a record that is a failure. The other contrast between the president and Mitt was the reservoir of experience they have to draw on as evidence of their ability to lead.

Mitt Romney has been in the business world running companies for 25 years, was Governor of Massachusetts, and saved the Olympics from a paralyzed bureaucracy. He has been a lay Bishop for his church where he has been helping people for countless years. It was all on display during the debate which can be summed up in confidence and competence.

President Obama was a community organizer that agitated people to extort companies for the benefit of his constituents. He was a Senator from Illinois for about two years before he became a candidate for president. He did a little bit of adjunct teaching. He has no business experience and has been a candidate longer than any other position he has held in his career.

President Obama was elected without a serious vetting of his past. It was on display last night. His reservoir to draw from is so limited and his record as president so dismal that he has no chance in any upcoming debate. The only change he can make going forward is to get personal and nasty and that will not sit well with the American people and in particular independents.

Mitt Romney knows this instinctively. He can smell inexperience from a mile away. In his past positions he has had to hire, fire, reorganize, and install employees to get a job done. He has an instinct that can only come from experience and includes assessing the skills of the people around him. He knows President Obama has little skill and a record he can’t utilize to help him win the next debates. Mitt knows the president is back on his heels and has nowhere to go but personal which Mitt will be ready for.

The Obama team has no strategy that can win. They can get personal and hope the American people cut him a break since he was pummeled in this debate. They can focus on his record or they can cancel the debates and blame it on some foreign crisis or “important” presidential business. But the most likely scenario is to get tough and personal.

The President has nowhere to go. He is stuck with his record, his lack of experience, and every avenue is a losing one.  

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