Monday, November 17, 2008

Unions are the Government in disguise…

The car industry in America is failing because they are treating their employees like government employees. They are being crushed by contracts that can no longer be sustained, and remain competitive.

All you have to do is look at the pay scale for auto workers and questions arise. The average wage is more than $70 an hour. The real problem is that for every one active worker, GM has 5 retirees they are paying very lucrative benefits to as well. Granted these workers earned them but it is not the tax payer’s responsibility to rescue a failed ponsie scheme. We already have one failed ponsie scheme to support; Social Security. We need them to file chapter 11 and restructure the union contracts.

Union bosses’ average pay for the top 50 officers is $186,000. More than 1000 officers and staff make more than $100,000. I don’t begrudge them their pay; I just don’t want to pay it. If their company can’t afford it, then they can stop paying. Let the two parties work it out. Failure is the only option for these two groups to come to the table.

Let’s all agree - starting today that we need less government in our lives and industry, not more. Let’s get back to good old American ingenuity and stop asking a completely incompetent bunch of politicians to save any industry. They can’t fix anything. Just look at Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, EPA, DOE, FCC, etc. They are just a few of the examples of government incompetency…

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