Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Definition of America…

We are “not defined by our borders” according to the president of the United States, and we should stand together, face the future together, work together, with Mexico. What does this mean exactly?

If we are not defined by our borders, what defines our country and its resources? What is a border? One definition is “The line or frontier area separating political divisions or geographic regions; a boundary.” Are there no longer any boundaries, geographic areas, or political differences between the United States and Mexico? It may seem so by the way our federal government treats border security, but our constitution is clear in our “boundaries”.

We are Americans because we live within a particular geographic region, share a common law called the constitution, and believe that private property is a foundation of a free society. This president apparently believes in none of it. Words have meaning, and when a president chooses his words he does so with a calculated strategy toward his vision for the future.

Are we going to abandon our borders and constitutional government? Are we going to abandon every principle that has made America great?

I am a proud American that knows this is the last hope for a civilized world that respects borders, language, law, individuals, property, and culture. This president or the wishes of any country including Mexico cannot wave a wand and determine what defines America. America has a definition and it includes, government of the people, by the people, and for the people of the United States; we respectfully disagree with your assessment Mr. President…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The longer he is our president the more I am convinced he is a moron! But this moron is changing our country - I just hope we can turn our country back around after we vote him out of office...