Friday, December 12, 2008

How ignorant can one man be?

I heard a caller on a talk show yesterday suggest bringing our politicians before a people’s court to grill them on their background, understanding of the economy, and suggested solutions to this bloated government. Just like our politicians do to our business leaders and citizens. I thought that was brilliant since there is no chance that the current cast of characters will do it themselves.

The first on the stand should be Barney Frank. He is a disgrace as congressman, and chair of the financial services committee (or whatever they call his committee). In this interview for an upcoming 60 Minutes show he talks about not propping up companies but propping up people. Leslie Stahl correctly calls that welfare, and Barney says he wants to put us all on welfare. Now that’s funny because if we have no business to send tax dollars to Washington, how will he pay for the welfare?

He is beyond words and is typical of what we have running our government. We must get rid of this bloated government or we have a dimmed future for our children. It is so frustrating listening to the idiocy in DC. Add to that the latest scandal for Obama and you just want to throw your hands up and scream.

Who are we as Americans? Do these people like Barney Frank really represent who we are? When will we take back our power? Yes, this is our government and we can choose to change it. So why not? What have we got to lose?


Anonymous said...

Barney Frank is scary...I wouldn't want him living next door to me...nevermind running a powerful congressional committee...

Anonymous said...

Just look at the leadership!, Harry Reid, Senate & Nancy Pelosi, House. Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Charlie Rangel, Henry Waxman, etc., are all powerful committee chairmen. Do they inspire confidence in government?

Anonymous said...
