Thursday, August 28, 2008

Doom and Gloom America?

Watching the Democratic National Convention you get the feeling that America is land of the victim. Every story involves a “Dave and his family in Kansas” are struggling to fill the gas tank, heat their house, and send their kids to college, while falling behind on the mortgage, after a diagnosis of a disease without a cure, while caring for their 90 year old mother that was denied Medicare, etc…

Now I know that some people are struggling but the picture being painted is one of a country that doesn’t care. And that could be no further from the truth. What most clear thinking individuals realize is that government is NOT the answer, it is the problem. Every speech being given at this convention is delivered with the premise that we need more government not less. That is why this election will be a landslide for McCain if he chooses Mitt Romney as his VP.

That would be the ultimate ticket with a definitive contrast between the two party philosophies. Romney will speak confidently on the economy knowing that we have the best system in the world if we can just keep the government from tinkering with it, and will highlight that contrary to public opinion and democratic distortion, grew 3.3% in the 3rd quarter.

Americans hate the pity party going on, the absolute attempt to paint a gloomy picture, and the insinuation that we are not capable of being great without government (and Democrat’s) help.
Our media and democratic pundits like to point to the polls that most Americans believe we are going in the wrong direction. That direction is not just about Bush, it is about a political class that is trying to get their hands into every aspect of our lives. So when the democrats read those polls and are gleeful, they should realize that their direction is not the preferred one. Most Americans are sick of all the politicians “running” this government.

My advice to all politicians is to read the constitution and understand the role of government. That would be a good start. Just a thought…

Breaking New: Obama’s campaigns stomps on free speech with impunity!

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