Thursday, October 30, 2008

If I was invited – I may have read this for my opening in tonight’s debate…

I am Rich Hand and I am running for the Congressional District 5 seat because our political system has been corrupted by the two parties that have controlled it for too many years. We the people have been promised reform every election cycle but what we have been given is always more of the same. Both parties have been entrusted by the people to govern in their best interest. The only interests we see politicians protecting are the lobbyists, special interests, and their own.

We have watched our politicians in both parties ignore the facts that Social Security is going bankrupt, they have ignored the billions of dollars of fraud in Medicare, Medicaid, and every form of government contracting, and they ignored all the signs and warnings of the financial crisis we find ourselves in today. The two parties have failed us miserably, and again are promising us “change”, “reform”, and a host of other empty promises.

It is time to look at the results of the two parties and ask ourselves if they will ever deliver on their promises. I know they won’t so I am running. If you know they won’t, send a message by voting for me. It will send a message louder than any other message you can deliver.
I promise you I will deliver on one thing; I will never sell my soul to the devil of politics; lobbyists, special interests, and self interest. I will never accept a nickel from any group looking for access. What I will do every day in congress is to work for fundamental change in the rules of congress, the way they are elected, and to reduce the time that is spent in Washington. Both in days per year, and the amount of years they can serve.

You can’t reduce the encroachment of government until you reform the way congress conducts itself. Today one congressman can control the debate of the rest of the body. We recently saw Nancy Pelosi close down debate on energy policy, stealing the rights of the 434 other congress men and women representing hundreds of millions of Americans in the process. We watch as single committee chair people decide what bills are given consideration. There are rules to keep order, and there are rules that silence the voice of the people. The rules as of today silence the voices of millions of Americans. I ask you; is that right? Is that good policy? Is that constitutional? That ability to stop debate must change.

Money is the poison of the election process. I will propose to limit donations to allow only individual constituents within a representative’s district to donate to campaigns. I don’t understand why we allow corporations and interest groups to donate to congressional races. They can run all the ads they want on their own. What they are buying with their donation is the ability to control the representative through intimidation, and the threat of cutting off the life blood of the current election process; money. The lifeblood should be the constituents vote not the money funneled in by powerful interests.

I believe in the individual, the free market, limited government regulation, secure borders, and the hope that America represents to the world. I am proud of the military and the way they conduct themselves on our behalf. They make this all possible; God Bless them. I am proud to say I believe in God. I believe we are a Christian nation but it is best that religion is not a test for politicians. Just an indication of one’s beliefs and character.

I believe the federal government should be held accountable for stealing the hopes and dreams of the Black and inner city community. They need to be dismissed from having anything to do with the education of our citizens. All you have to do is look at the current state of education to see it has failed. Education is the fuel of hope and success. It is time to bring that money home to the states. I believe the states need to start reducing their dependence on the federal government, and reduce the hard earned treasure they send to the federal treasury.

I believe we must prepare the American people for the fight we may find ourselves in if the current democrats take control of every branch of government. They are radically opposed to the most fundamental of American values; individual freedom, state’s rights, a strong military, patriotism, free speech, free markets, the right to bear arms, and a supreme court that judges the law, not one that circumvents the constitution and creates law. We must realize that what they stand for resembles nothing that the founders would recognize. We must educate, communicate, and be willing to stand up for the American values that made us great; the constitution.

I am offering my service to fight the fight. All I ask is for your vote. You can have more of the same or you can try a new approach. I hope you choose me so I can bring trust back to the great halls of Congress…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I lived in Colorado Springs, in your district, I would vote for you in a heartbeat.