Thursday, October 9, 2008

Politics is serious; very serious…

There are two types of voters, the first is “passionate” and the second is “casual”. The casual voter tends to dislike politics, consider it unimportant, they believe their vote doesn’t matter but vote out of obligation, and are persuaded by media and trends.

The “passionate” voter drowns themselves in political news, talk radio, blogs, would rather die than not vote on Election Day. They argue how important it is to the future of our country that we elect the right people.

The casual voter listens but in all reality, they see little evidence supporting the passionate arguments of the passionate voter. They don’t see the assault on freedom, the intrusiveness of the government, the burdensome regulations, and the disregard for the US Constitution. They occasionally get upset with a tax increase and then figure it into their budget. They are the boiling frog.

The government is out of control and I am afraid of what it will do next to address these “crisis”. There is already talk of the government taking over banks. There is talk about government interference in places our founders would have never envisioned.

The government is on the brink of becoming more dominant and tyrannical than ever before. We are about to see a total disregard for the things that have made this country great; individual freedom, free market capitalism.

You have to wonder if there are discussions going on in the halls of our government institutions about how the government must takeover for now and disregard the constitution. A scene reminiscent of Star Wars where the emperor with a heavy heart accepts the supreme powers; temporarily. You can hear the justification from the elite’s now; it is what is “best” for the people.

I am not a conspiracy theorist by any means but I am a student of human behavior. Our government was designed to protect us from human nature; our obsession for power and control. That is why we have a balance of power and the bulk of power resides in the House of Congress. But do we have the right people in congress?

We have two lousy choices for president so we must make sure we choose our congress wisely. McCain is the lesser of two evils. Obama is not deserving of consideration for the office he seeks. His past is sketchy, his friendships are troublesome, and his values are few.

Please look closer at this election. It may be the last one you see if you choose wrong…

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