Friday, October 10, 2008

This is a war on the American way…

Have no doubt we are under attack from the left, the socialist world, and unfortunately our own government. The ONLY solution right now is the American PEOPLE. We need to stop listening to our politicians and all of the American haters around the world, and start taking control of our own destiny. If you are looking for a solution it lies in your mirror.

We are the greatest engine of democracy, freedom, free markets, and hope for the world. It doesn’t seem that way right now because of the weak leaders we have allowed to take over the reins of our government.

We need to keep working and stop listening to the ignorance coming from the media, political class, and the world. A world that would love to see nothing more than America to implode. They hate our confidence, wealth, prosperity with a passion. And unfortunately so does one of our presidential candidates; Obama.

We need to disconnect from Wall Street, Pennsylvania Avenue, and the halls of congress, and reconnect with Main Street and our American heritage. We need to:
· Elect people that love America and understand Main Street values.
· Stop caring about what the world thinks about us and know in our hearts who we are.
· Bring back business to America that makes things.
· Get rid of the good old boy network; period.
· Reject a media that hates America and start speaking out against their garbage and lies.
· Get involved with neighbors and start planning our strategy to take back our government on November 4th.

There isn’t an ounce of leadership out there, and the markets are reacting to that. We have leaders; the problem is we have been out here trying to keep this country working. It is time to take action!

I am telling you the answer is not cozying up to world leaders; the answer is cozying up to American Main Street leaders. Me and you.

This is a war on our values and our heritage. This is a war that can only be won by getting involved and fighting for the American citizen. We are not world citizens we are Americans! We need to pay attention. Haven’t we lost enough already? Let’s not lose it all.

I would like to know what Doug Lamborn is doing in this crisis. Is he a leader that we will follow? Or do we need a new leader? You do have a choice…

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