Monday, May 18, 2009

Back in the USA…

I spent last week in Brazil at an event for work. I am now back and don’t know where to begin?

• Notre Dame: Shame on them and bless the 4000 quiet protesters on campus that were ignored by the media.

• Netanyahu: Was elected after Israel had enough of liberalism and where those policies have landed the country. He knows the truth in Reagan’s “peace through strength”. He is a real man and a real leader of his country and everyone that knows how the mid east peace will actually come about; strength, honesty, and integrity to call it for what it is.

• Joe Biden: Is an idiot. Although he would probably be fun to have a beer with.

• Pelosi: Continues to be a consistent liar.

• The government continues to grow and the economy continues to fail. Hmmmmm!

I will be back for more in depth analysis soon enough. God Bless America…

1 comment:

Beach Girl said...

Rich, thank you for being a follower. I have not converted my blog to show followers yet. I'm afraid I'll lose so much that is in my template.

You are right on Bebe - he's a man and he's like Churchill - Bebe will not let Israel down. No sireee...