Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Democrats have changed the menu at the Capitol building…

OK, call me petty, but I think congress has better things to do than to be worrying about the menu at the Capitol building cafeteria. This article describing the menu makes me sick. This is why we must get these long term politicians out of Washington DC. They are so disconnected that changing the menu to be healthier and increasing the amount of biodegradable napkins passes as important. This is extremely disappointing.

Can we talk about term limits, reducing our spending, and taking the 90 billion dollar Department of Education budget, and sending that money home to the states, along with sending these bureaucrats packing? Can we focus on something important?

If you are happy with the activities of the two parties then I pity our future. If you are not, let’s finally start looking at real change outside the two parties. That would be a menu I could choose from. Just a thought…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've started focusing part of my blog on term limits. The key is to rejuvenate the movement for an Article V convention because there's no way Congress is going to do it on their own.
