Friday, July 25, 2008

Why would Germans love Obama?

Could it be the guilt Germans share with liberals? Liberals in America have a guilt complex about America’s commanding hold of the greatest military in the world, greatest economy, and the greatest people in the world. Germans continue to harbor guilt about their historic mistake of following the Nazi dictator Hitler. So does guilt bind the liberals and Germans, forming a bond of shared misery?

Could both Germans and Liberals feel the best way to resolve that guilt is to make everybody equally miserable? Obama represents the leader that can do that for the world. He will make all guilt ridden liberals and envious Europeans equally poor, unhappy, under educated, and dependent on a government run by them.

So the crowds in Germany flocked to the Messiah of misery. Funny how Obama didn’t visit our military bases in the same country. There he would have found the greatest patriots in the world! He would not have found one soldier looking for a message of misery.

Obama’s trip is a very disturbing and telling tale of his vision. World government anyone? The UN running the courts, the English running our healthcare, Germans running our daycare centers, while Americans pay the bill…

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