Friday, February 8, 2008

I wasn’t the only one; thank God…

Today’s story of outrage over the Bishop of Canterbury’s remarks yesterday, regarding Sharia law, has renewed my faith in free speech and common sense. My hope is that people will see the danger in allowing religious doctrine to dictate or trump civil law. The good thing about this conflict is that it exposes how Islam is not compatible with western values. Those that want to live under Islam cannot accept the fact that in a civil society, civil law must be adhered too. With Islam the belief is that church has no separation from state. The most lethal combination known to the history of man; church as state.

That said, Christian judeo principles have been the guiding principles for the success of western civilization, and that must be respected. The principles followed by Christians and Jews are ones that honor woman, respect individuals, and value freedom. Christians believe in the “Prince of Peace”. A much different leader than the one followed in Islam.

Facts are a stubborn thing. Don’t believe what people say about something, watch how they act. If you do, you will come to the conclusion that the doctrine of Islam, cannot be allowed to be carried through if western civilization wants to survive. It is nice to see the argument brought to the surface in Britain. It is not too late to stop this movement…

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