Thursday, January 8, 2009

Be Careful What You Ask For…

According to Obama this crisis is so big, “only government can provide the short term boost necessary to lift us from a recession this deep and severe”. What evidence is Obama and his economic team using to support such a ridiculous statement that emphasizes his ignorance of how the economy works? Or is he well aware that this will deepen the pain and prolong the recession so we look for a “savior” and the “savior” is his administration?

He should be careful when he asks for more government intervention because there will come a point when Americans will wake up and start listening to Blogs like this, and paying attention to an alternative when the masses start realizing the affects of his policies. People will realize what many of us know already, he is just another worthless pol in Washington DC. No messiah - not even an empty suit or an emperor with no clothes.

He will be dropped like a hot potato when all we have in our pots is potatoes. Wake up people. The government spending is the problem. Government regulation and intrusion into the markets, is the problem. Politicians in DC are the problem. Less of them and their ideas is the solution!

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