Monday, January 5, 2009

Where are the tenth amendment supporters?

This is a constitutional crisis, and a lesson in why leaving our children’s education up to political and government bureaucrats is a really, really, bad idea! What constitutional crisis you ask? The one that will happen if Harry Reid, “leader” in the Senate, follows through on his threat not to seat Governor “Blowhardvich” of Illinois Senate pick - Burris. There are so many things wrong with this scenario, and little outrage coming from the other 49 Governors.

The Governor of Illinois is a dirt bag but this does not give Harry Reid authority to choose the state of Illinois senator. The Governor of Illinois is accused of being a thug but innocent until proven guilty, and again does not give Reid state authority in Illinois.

This is the most clear cut case of constitutional ignorance and dismissal in my memory. If the Governors and the people of this country turn their back on this one we are in big trouble. Either the Governors have not read the constitution, have no political backbone or the worst scenario, they are choosing to ignore it because of “Blowhardvich’s” situation.

Illinois must decide who to certify and send them to DC, we must reform education, and finally we must defeat ignorant politicians like Reid that will over step the greatest government framework document of all time for the sake of political power.

Illinois, Nevada, and the rest of the 48 have some reading and work to do to protect our constitution…


Anonymous said...

Here we are!
Citizens Assembly for Oklahoma Sovereignty

Rich said...

Thanks Anonymous! Charles Key State Rep in Oklahoma is a true patriot for the cause. Check out his proposal on Oklahoma to reduce the Federal invasion. There is hope!!!