Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Where did the first round go?

Obama has asked GW Bush to ask the congress to release the next $350,000,000,000 BILLION of the $700,000,000,000 BILLION dollar “bailout” passed last year that we were told; if it didn’t pass we would all be eating out of barrels on the street or die of something. Nothing has changed with the economy so the excuse now is we need the next $350,000,000,000 BILLION!

The problem is that no one knows where the first $350,000,000,000 BILLION went??? Not one politician can point to where our hard earned tax dollars have gone and what they are doing. So based on this information, should we be giving more?

If you gave your teenager $50 to go out on Friday night because he had to go to this school function that everybody was going to, and if he didn’t go he would be nobody, and then he came back to you on Saturday and asked you for another $50, for the same school function what would you do? Ask how they spent the first $50? If they told you I don’t know where it went, would you give them $50 more?

I bet if you are like most Americans you would not release any funds without a full accounting from your teen. Why is this any different? It’s your hard earned money. The people that you have given the money to can’t tell you how they spent it? So why give them more?
I would be very suspicious of my teen that could not account for the $50. I don’t see a difference with our tax dollars, besides the amount of 000,000,000,000 do you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a shame our politicians can't think in simplified terms and react accordingly. Our country is in dire straits and no-one in Washington seems to be concerned or at least asking the right questions.