Friday, March 13, 2009

Assault on Home Schools…

This article represents the problem with government in our children’s education. A judge has ordered this woman’s children into Public School even though they admit that the home schooled kids are testing 2 grades above the public school kid’s level. There we go, let’s dumb them down because you don’t like that this woman not only teaches the three “r’s”, she teaches from the Bible. God help us!

Teaching from the Bible seems to drive some people crazy. I say let them go crazy. If we get government out of education, parents could choose to send their kids wherever they felt they would get the best education. That would be an improvement over the current system for sure.

Liberals don’t trust parents to make the right decisions because they are elitists and know better than all. That is called dictatorship. Taking away choice from parents in education doesn’t cause outrage. What if they were to take away your choice to elect your representatives? How would that go over? I don’t know anymore. Just a thought…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just read this article & why should it surprise anyone. Just hope the Home-Schoolers rally and let the populace know just how effective this program is. Congrats to CO - keep us up to date.