Friday, January 29, 2010

Governor of Colorado; First 90 Days…

• I will appoint a group of citizens to be part of a Citizen Oversight Board to oversee my administration so they can communicate directly with the people. I will include members of the Tea Party movement, GOP, Democrat, Libertarian, and unaffiliated influences. These folks will be chosen by their respective organizations to insure they are represented properly. They will have access to observe all policy discussions involving my administration. The objective is to provide true transparency as I try to reform government. Building trust again with the people is priority one.

• Language created to introduce a ballot initiative for Colorado Constitutional Amendment to limit the federal government income tax rate to a maximum of 15%.

• Introduce a resolution that affirms our commitment to the U.S Constitution and specifically our recognition that it is the state’s responsibility to address all powers not enumerated and our commitment, and our full compliance to the Tenth Amendment.

• Introduce a plan to eliminate the corporate income tax for Colorado based businesses for three years. At the end of 3 years the program will be audited for effectiveness in creating jobs and new businesses in Colorado. Review federal regulations that are impacting small business and nullify the ones that are unconstitutional.

• Introduce a plan that will focus on adjusting all state pensions and benefits to the average of the private sector.

• Reduce the Governor’s executive budget by 30%

• Create a team that will audit all federal programs for the constitutionality, effectiveness, and possible process of nullification for those deemed unconstitutional.

• Introduce healthcare reform; make individual policies tax deductible, eliminate state mandates on health insurers, and eliminate income tax on doctors and hospitals that promote market based pricing to cover patients that choose not to purchase insurance.

• Review Medicaid and unfunded mandates to determine focus and reform.

• Reduce state income tax rates for veterans.

• Create group to consider K-12 education funding that promotes excellence and results.

• Create a media campaign to promote Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

I will be reaching out to the citizens of Colorado to become active in their government. It will be critical to include people in the process to build credibility and trust. Without credibility and trust we will remain divisive and paralyzed. We will never make the changes necessary to stop the out of control government unless we have the backing of our citizens. They will not be lobbyists, they will be chosen in ways that open up the process to everyone, not just the politically connected.

This is not comprehensive but a start to real change toward a truly constitutional government.

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