Sunday, November 11, 2007

A gift to veterans…

On this Veterans Day, I link to this story about the failure at the box office of recent anti Iraq war films. The analysis is off the mark though. They blame the failures of these films on the current confusion around the war, and that the war is still in the headlines every day. Wrong, wrong, the reason these movies have failed is that Americans support their troops, and the mission of bringing freedom to a people oppressed under a dictator. They may not like the speed of the war, but Americans don’t believe the crap that the current Hollywood crop portrays about our troops and military.

The real analysis why these Iraq war movies have failed; they are built on lies. They are lying about why we have gone to Iraq, who our troops are, what the real circumstances are, and that America is the real problem in the world. These people don’t get it; we love our veterans and military. We know that without them we have no foundation to stand. We know that without the American military, the radical sects of the world would be causing havoc everywhere including the US.

So as a gift to our veterans, these Hollywood idiots have shown how ignorant they are to the greatness of our troops, both today and throughout all history. These movies have failed because we love our veterans, and that is a gift to be treasured. God Bless our veterans. Just a thought…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so right. We ALL owe a debt of gratitude to our veterans and to those serving now. Unfortunately, too many take their freedoms for granted, never questioning how these freedoms came to be. I have a big problem dealing with ignorance. APH